The research group aims to develop models and methods to integrate autonomous vehicles and their mobility services into the changing transport system, taking into account the socio-environmental-economic interconnections. In many cases, technological progress responds to societal and sustainability needs, but it also often creates new challenges. Transport systems based on autonomous vehicles can be operated using novel methods of design, operation and information management. The related travel surveys are generally limited to a sub-set of the domain and do not cover all areas related to mobility services. The research team aims to explore user, operator, decision-maker and societal expectations of mobility services, with a particular focus on the transition period.
The research team will analyze the current so-called transitional modes of transport from several perspectives. We model the structure of the transport system with autonomous vehicles at macro and meso level. The business model for the new mobility service and the basis for organizational and institutional development will be developed. Train future scenarios to investigate the spatial changes that will occur as a result of the uptake of autonomous vehicles. We will develop an operational model, an information management model and a database model for the mobility service.
The research team will investigate legal barriers and regulatory issues as obstacles to the implementation of mobility services models. In this area, our research includes data protection and database security studies, as well as the general regulatory background of MaaS models.