I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Automated Drive Lab

Horizon Europe keywords: · CCAM · Smart and sustainable transport and mobility

Introduction of the Research Group

BME Automated Drive Lab is a laboratory at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in Department of Automotive Technologies. The laboratory aims to do cutting-edge R&D activities in the whole spectrum of highly automated and autonomous road vehicles. As an academic research group, the lab intends to connect the academic and industrial competencies and education and research. The lab would like to catalyze the acceptance and penetration of self-driving vehicles and related technologies. It is emphasized that besides fundamental research in this field, the lab is also doing applied research, ie real automated vehicles and functionalities are developed continuously for credible demonstrations. We would like to develop more functionality in the future to create a safe, autonomous vehicle.


Perception: Object detection, Deep learning in perception, Raw and object level sensor fusion, testing and validation of perception systems
Decision-control: High-level vehicle functions, vehicle control above dynamic stability (drift), trajectory planning, path following, low level actuator control
Simulation, testing and validation methods: co-simulation framework of automotive and traffic engineering software suites, Vehicle-in-the-Loop and Scenario-in-the-Loop methods
Redundant architectures for automated vehicles: safety, cyber-security
Application: Automated vehicle development (Smart, BMW), Perception measurement data collection system (Honda+sensors), Complex testing


-Arpad Torok, Zsolt Szalay, Balazs Saghi: New Aspects of Integrity Levels in Automotive Industry-Cybersecurity of Automated Vehicles, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 23: (1) pp. 383-391.

-Szalay Z.: Next Generation X-in-the-Loop Validation Methodology for Automated Vehicle Systems, IEEE ACCESS 9: pp. 35616-35632.

-Viktor Tihanyi, Tamás Tettamanti, Mihály Csonthó, Arno Eichberger, Dániel Ficzere, Kálmán Gangel, Leander B. Hörmann, Maria A. Klaffenböck, Christoph Knauder, Patrick Luley, Ferenc Zoltán Magosi, Gábor Magyar, Huba Németh, Jakob Reckenzaun, Viktor Remeli, András Short, Matthias Ruether, Selim Solmaz, Zoltán Somogyi, Gábor Soós, Dávid Szántay, Attila Tomaschek Tamás, Pál Varga, Zsolt Vincze, Christoph Wellershaus, Zsolt Szalay: Motorway Measurement Campaign to Support R&D Activities in the Field of Automated Driving Technologies, SENSORS 21: (6) 2169

-Ciuffo Biagio, Mattas Konstantinos, Makridis Michail, Albano Giovanni, Anesiadou Aikaterini, He Yinglong, Szilárd Josvai, Dimitris Komnos, Marton Pataki, Vass Sandor, Zsolt Szalay: Requiem on the positive effects of commercial adaptive cruise control on motorway traffic and recommendations for future automated driving systems, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 130: 103305

-Lengyel H., Tettamanti T., Szalay Zs.: Conflicts of Automated Driving With Conventional Traffic Infrastructure, IEEE ACCESS 8: pp. 163280-163297.


Autonomous Vehicles National Lab, GINOP, Horizon Europe, Eco-Car


ITS World Congress, Los Angeles, September 18-22, 2022
IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles, Las Vegas, 2020