I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Jenő Miklós Suda

Assistant Professor

Dr. Balázs Farkas

Assistant Professor

Eszter Lukács

Assistant Research Fellow

Dr. János VAD

Full Professor

Dr. Viktor Szente

Assistant Professor

Bálint Papp

PhD Student

Dr. Márton Balczó

Assistant Professor

Introduction of the Research Group

The Aerodynamics Research Group was founded at the Department of Fluid Mechanics (www.ara.bme.hu) at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (www.bme.hu). Our activity covers wide range of scientific and applied industrial engineering R&D projects in the field of aerodynamics: e.g. building/vehicle/sports aerodynamics, external/internal flows, automotive aerodynamics, atmospheric flows, wind engineering, bridge aerodynamics, static/dynamic wind load measurements and aeroelastic modelling, fluid-structure interaction, as well as particle dynamics and multiphase flow modelling. The members of the Aerodynamic Research Group include eight researchers with PhD degree and four PhD students. The main strength of our team members is the vast experience in both physical and numerical modelling of fluid flows. The aerodynamics-related projects of the Research Group reveal a strong background in applied industrial aerodynamics due to the unique laboratory equipment and CFD competence. The Aerodynamics Research Group are responsible for the operation of the Theodore von Kármán Wind Tunnel Laboratory (www.karman-wtl.com). Here, various types of low-speed wind tunnels (up to 65 m/s) can be used to assist R&D studies. The laboratory is equipped with advanced fluid mechanics measurement devices: PIV, LDA, CTA, 2D/3D aerodynamic balance systems, automatised multi-channel system for pressure data acquisition etc. are available. Furthermore, the Research Group offers its wide-range competence also in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation using in-house and commercial codes. Our laboratory equipment allows for the validation support for CFD simulations. Our Research Group, offering its capacity and competence, is happy to be available for international R&D collaboration projects in aerodynamics.


- Static and dynamic wind load measuring system development and CFD modelling
- Flow topology and loss analysis of a square-to-square sudden expansion
- An empirical model to determine lift and drag coefficients
- Measurement-driven LES of dispersion in street canyons
- GPU-based LES method for predicting dynamic wind loads on buildings
- Wind tunnel testing and CFD analysis of exotic wind turbines
- Hydrodynamic analysis of swimming hand - influence of finger spacing
- Bicycle aerodynamics - CFD analysis on the influence of rotating wheels / moving ground
- Turbulence modification in two-phase flows - particle dynamics in electrostatic precipitators


Papp, Bálint; Kristóf, Gergely; Istók, Balázs; Koren, Márton ; Balczó, Márton; Balogh, Miklós (2021) Measurement-driven Large Eddy Simulation of dispersion in street canyons of variable building height. JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS 211 Paper: 104495 , 16 p. (2021)
Papp, Bálint; Kristóf, Gergely; Gromke, Christof (2021) Application and assessment of a GPU-based LES method for predicting dynamic wind loads on buildings. JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS 217 Paper: 104739 , 14 p. (2021)
Lukács, Eszter; Vad, János (2021) Flow topology and loss analysis of a square-to-square sudden expansion relevant to HVAC systems: A case study. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 41 Paper: 102802 , 13 p. (2021)
Lukács, Eszter; Vad, János (2022) A passive loss reduction method of square-to-square sudden expansions,
Energy and Buildings, Volume 266, 2022, 112113, ISSN 0378-7788, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112113.
Farkas, Balázs ; Suda, Jenő Miklós (2020) Application of morphed non-linear phase oscillators for representing rolling piston compressor performance. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART A-JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY 234 : 3 pp. 332-341. , 10 p. (2020)
Havasi-Tóth, Balázs (2020) Nauticle: a general-purpose particle-based simulation tool. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 246 Paper: 106855 , 15 p. (2020)
Balczó, Márton; Tomor, András (2016) Wind tunnel and computational fluid dynamics study of wind conditions in an urban square. IDŐJÁRÁS / QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE 120 : 2 pp. 199-229. , 31 p. (2016)
Balogh, Miklós; Parente, Alessandro (2015) Realistic boundary conditions for the simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flows using an improved k–ε model. JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS 144 pp. 183-190. , 8 p. (2015)
Leitl, B ; Trini, Castelli S ; Baumann-Stanzer, K ; Reisin, T G ; Barmpas, F ; Moussafir, J ; Franke, J ; Balczo, M ; Armand, P ; Andronopoulos, S (2013) COST Action ES1006. Evaluation, improvement and guidance for the use of local-scale emergency prediction and response tools for airborne hazards in built environments. In: Prof, ‐Dr. Roberto San José; Prof, ‐Dr. Juan Luis Pérez (ed.) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Madrid (E) (2013) pp. 1-5. Paper: 137, 5 p.
Balczó, Márton; Balogh, Miklós; Goricsán, István; Nágel, Tamás; Suda, Jenő Miklós; Lajos, Tamás (2011) Air quality around motorway tunnels in complex terrain - computational fluid dynamics modeling and comparison to wind tunnel data. IDŐJÁRÁS / QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE 115 : 3 pp. 179-204. , 26 p. (2011)
Kiss, István; Iváncsy, Tamás; Suda, Jenő Miklós; Berta, István (2011) Modelling of Complex Physical Processes in Electrostatic Precipitators, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONFERENCE SERIES 301 Paper: 012060, 4 p.
Kristóf, Gergely; Rácz, Norbert; Balogh, Miklós (2009) Adaptation of Pressure Based CFD Solvers for Mesoscale Atmospheric Problems, BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY 131 : 1 pp. 85-103. , 19 p. (2009)




Hungarian Excellent Research Infrastructure. TOP RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES in Hungary 2021.




wind tunnels, PIV, LDA, CTA, multi-channel pressure data acquisition system, 2D/3D aerodynamic balances


VEKOP 2.3.3 -15 "Atmospheric Flow Laboratory"/Research infrastructure development – internationalization, networking/ (2018-2022) NKIFH
OTKA T037651 „Simulation of turbulent flows” (2002-2005)
OTKA T037730 „Theoretical and experimental investigation of the pollutant transport of road vehicles in the built and natural environment” (2002-2005)
FKFP 0075/2001 „Research on engineering applications of numerical simulation systems” (2001-2003)
FKFP 0242/1997 „Application of numerical methods in fluid mechanics, environmental techniques and energetics research areas - a collaboration between departments” (1997-1998)
OTKA T023755 „Theoretical investigation on the particle separation process in gases” (1995-1998).

Industry relations

BIM Design Kft., Span Systems International Inc., GE Hungary Kft., Napur Architects, Nemzeti Sportközpontok, Siemens Zrt., eCon Engineering Kft., Knorr-Bremse Hungária Kft., MÁV Zrt., Wienerberger Téglaipari Zrt.



Other activities

VKI AA founding and board member (Von Karman Institue for Fluid Dynamics Alumni Association), ERCOFTAC member, reviewers in journals and conferences, membership of relevant organisations