Embedded Systems and Robotics
- Immersive Remote Development of a “ Driving ” demo scenario with TU Dresden 5G Lab , an augmented reality (AR) application over a 5G network to demonstrate 5G capabilities and intelligent vehicle features. It has been featured at several public events, the most important of which is the ITU Telecom World exhibition in September 2019.
Development of an “ Immersive Remote Driving ” scenario in cooperation with the TU Dresden 5G Lab . This is a 5G network-based augmented reality (AR) application for demonstrating the capabilities of 5G communication and self-driving vehicle functions . This demo has been showcased at many public events , from which the most important was ITU Telecom World in September 2019.
- Creating a digital magic cube demo scenario with Nokia Bell Labs . In 2019, we participated in several international exhibitions with him, the most important of which was CES 2019 in Las Vegas in January 2019. Development of "Digital Magic Cube " scenario in cooperation with Nokia Bell Labs . In 2019, we participated in several international exhibitions with this demo , the most important of which was CES 2019 in Las Vegas in January 2019.
- Sequential time-optimal trajectory tracking algorithm for robotic arms (IEEE TRO, ASME DSMC publications in 2019), which has also been applied in the robots of a Japanese robotics company in an industrial environment.Sequential time-optimal trajectory tracking algorithm for robotic arms (IEEE TRO, ASME DSMC publications in 2019). It has also been used in the robots of a Japanese robotics company in an industrial environment .
- Organizing and conducting the RobonAUT student robot building competition, which is also open to the public, between 2009 and 2022, so far 13 times. Each year, a number of press outlets publish reports or reports on the event.Organizing the RobonAUT student robot-building competition , which is also open lake the public , between 2009 and 2022, 13 times so far. Each year , several reports are published about the event in the press .
- Development of the “Intelligent Management Solutions for Self-Driving Vehicles” technology scenario for the Industry 4.0 Technology Center (2018)
Development of the “ Intelligent Control Solutions for Self-Driving Transport Vehicles ” technology scenario for the Industry 4.0 Technology Center (2018)
- “5G Connected Cars ”demo scenario to illustrate 5G capabilities with TU Dresden 5G Lab and Nokia Bell Labs . It has been featured at several international events, the most important of which was the Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona.
Development of a “5G Connected Cars ” scenario in cooperation with the TU Dresden 5G Lab and Nokia Bell Labs for illustrating the capabilities of the 5G mobile network . We participated in several international exhibitions with this demo , the most important of which was Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona.
VR PC (QB120);
ROS PC (QB120);
PC workstations in the QB121 lab;
PC workstations in the QB125 lab;
PC workstations in the QB127 lab;
2016, Nokia Bell Labs, 5G Connected Cars;
2019, Nokia Bell Labs,Digital Magic Cube;
Industry relations
Nokia Bell Labs
International Symposium you Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics
IEEE Global Communications Conference , GLOBECOM
European Regional Conference you the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ESCB-EERC)
Other activities
• Press and media appearances of the RobonAUT competition: http://robonaut.aut.bme.hu/sajto/
• Participation in the BME InnoSapiens podcast series: https://innosapiens.bme.hu/
(February 2021 broadcast: What can we expect from the smart technologies of the future?)
• Digital Magic Cube Demo Press Releases:
o http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/20181009-20-eves-nokia-budapesti-kutatasi-es-fejlesztesi-kozpont.html
o https://www.facebook.com/nokiahungary/videos/233137977588518/
o https://www.bme.hu/hirek/20190123/Vilagkoruli_utra_indul_a_digitalis_Rubik_kocka
o https://www.bme.hu/node/6510
o https://dailynewshungary.com/new-hungarian-3d-rubiks-cube-presented-in-las-vegas/
o http://hirek.prim.hu/cikk/digitalis_rubik-kockaval_mutatta_be_a_valos_es_virtualis_vilagok_kozti_atjarast_a_nokia_a_ces-en
o https://markamonitor.hu/2019/01/16/rubik-kockaval-a-kiterított-valosagban/
o http://kutyu.hu/cikk/2019/01/15/a_valos_es_a_virtualis_vilag_kozotti_hatarmezsgye
o http://m.origo.hu/techbazis/20190111-digitalis-rubikkocka-ces.html
o https://24.hu/tech/2019/01/11/nokia-intel-5g-rubik-kocka-kiteranded-valosag-ces-2019-las-vegas/
o https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=738133583229859&id=36922302396&_rdr
o https://www.nokia.com/blog/extend-your-senses-5g/?DID=D0000000011H&utm_campaign=turn_up&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=23450943-2b0d-4fc3-822e-c3f5fd
o https://m.mobilarena.hu/hir/ces_2019_digitalis_rubik-kocka_a_nokia_budapesti_l.html
o https://venturebeat.com/2019/01/09/qualcomm-and-intel-have-5g-devices-at-ces-2019-but-huaweis-are-mia/amp/
o https://www.bme.hu/hirek/20191217/Nagy_erdeklodes_ovította_a_BME_fejleszteseit_Kina_egyik_legnreater_technologiai_vasaran
• 5G Connected Cars demo press releases:
o http://index.hu/tech/cellanaplo/2016/02/24/hatalmas_mobil_eszkozt_csomagoltak_ki_barcelonaban/
o http://indavideo.hu/video/A_Nokia_es_a_BME_AUT_demoja_az_MWC-n
o http://www.vezess.hu/hirek/2016/02/25/magyar-egyemistak-mutattak-be-az-autozas-jovojet/
o http://hirek.prim.hu/cikk/2016/02/25/robotautok_konvojban
o http://computerworld.hu/computerworld/robotautok-konvojban.html
o http://www.bme.hu/hirek/20160225/Konvojban_kozlekedo_robotautok
o http://www.vik.bme.hu/hir/1857-konvojban-kozlekedo-robotautok
o http://www.engadget.com/2016/02/27/5g-is-finally-taking-shape-this-year/
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVGy_vmp8Ao&feature=em-upload_owner
o http://autopro.hu/trend/Tesztpalya-epul-Zalaegerszegen-az-onvezeto-autokat/18866/
o http://www.origo.hu/gazdasag/20160519-muegyem-a-jovo-autoi-orban-viktor-varga-mihaly-negyedik-ipari-forradalom.html
o http://www.techstorym2m.hu/kivansaglista-a-jovo-halozataiban.html
Science-promoting lectures, participation in the organization of NGO and Researchers' Night events:
• Researchers Night 2018 - Digital Magic Cube Premiere
• BME Open Day 2019 professional lecture - Kiss Domokos: The future belongs to self-driving cars! (?)
• RobonAUT competitions 2010-2021
Exhibitions, representative events at which the research group represented Kart (both Hungarian and foreign):
• Mobile World Congress February 2016. Barcelona, Spain
• Nokia FX Days , October 9, 2018, Budapest
• Consumer Electronics Show January 8-11, 2019, Las Vegas, USA
• ZalaZone opening ceremony , May 20, 2019, Zalaegerszeg
• National Regatta , June 1-2, 2019, Siófok (Vodafone Hungary 5G stand)
• "Hungary at the forefront of 5G" - 5G Coalition event , June 18, 2019, Budapest, Vodafone Hungary 5G stand
• ITU Telecom World Exhibition , September 9-12, 2019, Budapest
• X. Infotér Conference , October 15-17, 2019, Balatonfüred (Vodafone Hungary 5G stand)
• Vodafone EBU VIP Party (Vodafone 5G network public launch ), October 17 , 2019 , Budapest, Castle Garden Bazaar
• SzeBIT exhibition , November 21, 201