1. Poppe, L.; Nagy, J., Hornyánszky, G.; Boros, Z. (Poppe, L.; Nógrádi, M.; Eds.): Stereochemistry and Stereoselective Synthesis – An Introduction, Weinheim-New York: Wiley-VCH Verlag KGaA, 2016.
(ISBN 978-3-527-33901-3).
2. Gloge, A.; Zon, J.; Kővári, Á.; Poppe, L.; Rétey, J.: Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase: The Use of Its Broad Substrate Specificity for Mechanistic Investigations and Biocatalysis. Synthesis of L-Arylalanines, Chem. Eur. J., 2000, 6, 3386-3390.
(DOI: 10.1002/1521-3765(20000915)6:18<3386::AID-CHEM3386>3.0.CO;2-5)
3. Csajági, Cs.; Szatzker, G.; Tőke, E. R.; Ürge, L.; Darvas, F.; Poppe, L.: Enantiomer selective acylation of racemic alcohols by lipases in continuous-flow bioreactors, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 2008, 19, 237-246.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.tetasy.2008.01.002)
4. Weiser, D.; Nagy, F.; Bánóczi, G.; Oláh, M.; Farkas, A.; Szilágyi, A.; László, K.; Gellért, Á.; Marosi, G.; Kemény, S.; Poppe, L.: Immobilization engineering – How to design advanced sol-gel systems for biocatalysis? Green Chem. 2017, 19(16), 3927-3937.
(DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00896A)
5. Bata, Z.; Molnár, Z.; Madaras-Koncz, E.; Molnár, B.; Sánta-Bell, E.; Varga, A.; Leveles, I.; Qian, R.; Hammerschmidt, F.; Paizs, C.; Vértessy, B. G.; Poppe, L.: Substrate Tunnel Engineering Aided by X-Ray Crystallography and Functional Dynamics Swaps the Function of MIO-Enzymes. ACS Catalysis. 2021, 11, 4538–4549.
(DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c00266)
Teacher of the Year (BME VK, 1995);
Marton Kajtár Award (1995);
Teacher of the Year (BME VK, 1996);
Széchenyi Professorial Scholarship (1999-2002);
BME ProProgressio Teacher TDK Scholarship (2016);
OTDK Master Teacher Gold Medal (2019).
International project
- Systems Biocatalysis (SysBiocat), Action CM1303, (2013-2017), EU COST (Hungarian Member of Committee (MC, 2013-2017) and leader of WG5 “Process Intensification” (WG5 2013-2017))
- Enzyme Immobilization and Microfluidics for Systems Biocatalysis - NEMSyB POC-2015 P-37-273, (2016-2020), EU funding, in Romania: (research project director (part-time), Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
National research project
- Automation of protein purification for rapid testing of known resins / supports and development of new affinity chromatography supports, KMR_12-1-2012-0140, (2013-2015), NDA (project leader)
- MIO-enzyme-based multistep syntheses in continuous-flow microfluidic reactor systems, SNN-125637, (2018-2020), OTKA - NKFIH (project leader)
National industrial project
- Investigation of the availability of industrial manufacturability criteria in the production of the TACE intermediate of Cariprazine (Richter Theme Application 21), (2021-2023), Richter Gedeon Zrt (project participant)
- BioTrans 2017, Budapest, July 3-7, 2017, principal organizer
- BioTrans Steering Committee: permanent member, 2017-
- IMTB 2022, Portoroz, Slovenia, 5-7 June 2021, Plenary Speaker
1. a) Dianóczki, Cs.; Kővári, J.; Novák, L.; Poppe, L.; Recseg, K. (Bunge Növényolajipari Rt, Hung.): Eljárás konjugált linolsav előállitására. Magy. Szab., HU 227137 B1 (2010)
b) Dianóczki, Cs.; Kővári, J.; Novak, L.; Poppe, L.; Recseg, K. (Bunge Növényolajipari Rt, Hung.): METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID Eur. Pat., EP 1709144 B1 (2010)
2. Sevella, B.; Kupcsulik, B.; Németh, Á.; Novák, L; Poppe, L.; Dukai, J.; Nagy, F.: Eljárás 1,3-propándiol előállítására biotranszformációval. Magy. Szab., HU 227235 B1 (2011)
3. a) Poppe, L.; Boros, Z.; Vértessy, B.; Kovács, K.; Tóth, A.; Hornyánszky. G.; Nagy, J.; Erdélyi, B.; Bódai, V.; Sátorhelyi, P. (BME-Fermentia Kft): Fehérjék megkötésére és elválasztására alkalmas lantanida fémionokkal komplexált hordozók. Magy. Szab., HU 230585 B1 (2016).
b) Poppe, L.; Boros, Z.; Vértessy, B.; Kovács, K.; Tóth, A.; Hornyánszky. G.; Nagy, J.; Erdélyi, B.; Bódai, V.; Sátorhelyi, P. (BME-Fermentia Kft): Compositions for binding and separating of proteins. Eur. Pat. EP2943501 (B1) 2019. 06. 26.
4. Hornyánszky. G.; Poppe, L.; Farkas, E.; Incze, D. J.; Éles, J.; Sánta-Bell, E.; Molnár, Z. K. (Richter Gedeon Nyrt-BME): Process to produce (1r,4r)-4-substituted cyclohexane-1-amines, Magy. Szab. Bej., P2100325, 2021. 09. 15.
Other activities
in Hungarian scientific associations: Association of Hungarian Chemists (1984-); Hungarian Humboldt Association (1992-); Hungarian Biochemical Association (1994-);
in international scientific associations: Hungarian Technical Scientific Society of Transylvania (2002-); American Chemical Society (2016-); European Society of Applied Biotechnology (2017-); BioTrans Organizing Committee (2017-)
Academic Working Committees: Terpenoid Chemistry and Element-Organic Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1986-2012, Secretary 1993-2012)
Editorial Board Membership: International Journal of Chemical Modeling (NOVA Science Publishers, New York) (2007-); Dataset Papers in Chemistry (Organic Chemistry, Hindawi Publishing Co: Cairo-New York) (2012-); Periodical Polytechnica - Chemical Engineering (Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Budapest) (2013-); Biocatalysis and Biotransformation (Springer, 2015-); ChemistrySelect (Wiley, 2015-); Frontiers in Biocatalysis (2020-); Catalysts (2021-).
Reviewer activity (> 200 reviews, including in the non-exhaustive journals listed): Acta Alim. - ACS Catal. - ACS Sus. Chem. Eng. - Adv. Synth. Catal. - African J. Microbiol. Gap. - Appl Biochem. Biotechnol. - Appl Microbiol. Biotechnol.– Biocat. Biotrans. - Biochem. Eng. J. - Bioproc. Biosyst. - Biores. Technol. - Biotechnol. Progr. - BMC Biotechnol. - Brit. Microbiol. Gap. J. - Catalysts - Chem. Eng. J. - Chem. Eur. J. - Chem. Rev. - ChemistrySelect - Croat. Chem. Acta - Electr. J. Biotechnol. - Energy & Fuels - Enz. Microb. Technol. - Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. - Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. - Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. - Ind. J. Microbiol. J. Agr. Food Chem., J. Appl. Microbiol. - J. Basic Microb. - J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. - J. Biotechnol. - J. Mol. Model. - J. Mol. Catal., Enz. B - J. Pest. Sci. - J. Phys. Chem., J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. - Lett. Appl. Microb. - Became. Drug Des. Discov. - Became. Org. Chem. - Molecules - Nanomat. Nanotechnol. - Plos-ONE - Proc. Biochem. - Sensors - Synthesis - Tetrahedron - Tetrahedron: Asymm - Top. Catal. - Waste Biomass. Valor
Organization of an international conference: FP4 TMR Minisymposium on Coenzyme-B12 (Budapest, Hungary; 19-20 June 1999, 40 participants); BioTrans 2017, 13th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotransformations (Budapest, Hungary, 9-13 July 2017: Organizer, see:
Participation in scientific qualifications: Ph.D. qualification - opponent, committee member (several Hungarian universities, Babes-Bólyai University, Romania, University of Turku, Finland); Chairman of the Habilitation Committee (BME) and member (BME, University of Debrecen); Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - opponent, secretary, committee member