I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Senior Research Fellow

Dr. Kornelia Kissfazekas


H-1111 Budapest, Muegyetem rkp. 3. K. II/93


kissfazekas@urb.bme.hu; kissfazekas@gmail.com


- Kissfazekas, K. (2022) Circle of paradigms? Or ’15-minute’ neighbourhoods from the 1950s, CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING 123: 103587; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103587
- Kissfazekas, K. (2020) Városépítészeti aspektus - Budapesti szocreál lakóépületegyüttesek, UTÓIRAT: A RÉGI-ÚJ MAGYAR ÉPÍTŐMŰVÉSZET / melléklet; XX. évf. 113. pp. 74-79.
- Kissfazekas, K. Körner, Zs. (2020) IDEOLÓGIA ÉS VÁROSÉPÍTÉS / Ideologie und Stadtbau, In: Tamáska, Máté; Rief-Vernay, Barbara (szerk.) Wien-Budapest: Stadträume des 20. Jahrhunderts im Vergleich, Praesens Verlag.pp. 163-185.
- Kissfazekas, K. (2016): Urban Structures and Architectural Specificities in the Post-Socialist New Towns, In: Szirmai, V (szerk.) “Artificial Towns” in the 21st Century, Institute for Sociology Centre for Social Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences. pp. 403-437.
- Kissfazekas K. (2015): Relationships between politics, cities and architecture based on the examples of two Hungarian New Towns, CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING 48: pp. 99-108.


- as Hungarian responsible: Urban Italia / Aversa programban, 2006-2008
Rigenerazione urbana Urban Italia del Comune di Aversa “ Aversa laboratorio di educazione urbana: i giovani vettori di positività “, importo programma M€ 9,801, finanziamento concesso legge 388 / 2000
M€ 5,06;
Quartiere II della Città di Aversa “ Un approccio integrato e partecipativo alla riqualificazione urbana ” proposto al Ministero delle / Infrastrutture dal Comune di Aversa, importo programma M€ 25,90, finanziamento
richiesto M€ 10;

- as a participant
Cities Revis(it)ed 1 and 2 / Erasmus IP 2012-2014
DANUrB - 1 / Interreg 2017-2019
EcoHousing projekt (Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) program) - 2021-
ComPare - / Erasmus+ 2022 -


ISUF Italy 2017 (Rome)
ISUF Italy 2018 (Bari)
Doconf 2021 (Budapest)

Other activities

Hungarian Academy of Sciences / Committee on Town Planning : Member and Secretary (since 2018-)