I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Horizon Europe keywords: · Protection and promotion of cultural heritage


Kutrovátz, G.: "Heat Death in Ancient and Modern Thermodynamics" Open Systems and Information Dynamics 8/4: 349-359. 2001

Kutrovátz, G.: "Imre Lakatos' Hungarian Dissertation: An annotated documentation" In G. Kampis, L. Kvasz and M. Stöltzner (eds.): Appraising Lakatos. Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Pp. 353-374

Kutrovátz, G.: "Lakatos's philosophical work in Hungary" Studies in East European Thought 60/1-2: 113-133. 2008

Kutrovátz G., Láng B., Zemplén G.: A tudomány határai. Budapest: Typotex. 2008
Kutrovátz, G., Zemplén G.: "Experts in Dialogue: An Introduction" Argumentation 25: 275-283. 2011

Kutrovátz, G.: "Expert Authority and Ad Verecundiam Arguments”  In F.H. van Eemeren, B. Garssen (eds.): Exploring Argumentative Contexts. Amsterdam, John Benjamin, 2012. Pp. 197-211

Kutrovátz, G., Zemplén, G.: "Social Studies of Science and Science Teaching" In M.R. Matthews et al. (ed.): International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Dordrecht, Springer, 2014. Pp. 1119-1141

Vassányi M., Kutrovátz G.: A világ bizonyos szimmetriája. A kora újkori csillagászat története válogatott források tükrében. Budapest: Typotex. 2021

Kutrovátz, G.: "Aristarchus’ lunar dichotomy as an actual measurement" Polanyiana 30/1: 20-56. 2021

Kutrovátz, G.: "Anatomical identifications of stars: Textual descriptions in Ptolemy's star catalogue" Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 91: 94-102. 2022


Bolyai János Research Award (2007-2010)
Lakatos Fellow Scholarship (London School of Economics, 2008)
BME GTK Publication Award (2022)


OTKA (T-037575), 2002-2005
OTKA (T-037504), 2002-2005
OTKA (F-69249), 2007-2008
OTKA (T-84145), 2011-2014


22 international and 15 domestic conference participations.

Conference organization:"Határmunkálatok a tudományban és a publikus tudományfelfogás" ELTE TTK-TáTK – BME, 2008. május 29-30.

"Lakatos – life and work in light of unpublished archival documents." Symposium at History of Philosophy of Science 2010.  2010. június 25, Budapest.