-Marietta Szentmiklóssy, Kitti Török, Éva Pusztai, Sándor Kemény, Karolina Tremmel-Bede, Marianna Rakszegi, Sándor Tömösközi; Variability and cluster analysis of arabinoxylan content and its molecular profile in crossed wheat lines, JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE (2020)
-Karolina Tremmel-Bede, Marietta Szentmiklossy, Lampi Anna-Maija, Piironen Vieno, Shewry Peter R., Gyula Vida, Sandor Tomoskozi, Ildiko Karsai, Lang Laszlo, Zoltan Bedo, Marianna Rakszegi; Variation in the Content and Composition of Tocols in a Wheat Population – Foods (2022)
- Török K., Szentmiklóssy M., Tremmel-Bede K., Rakszegi M., Tömösközi S.; Possibilities and barriers in fibre-targeted breeding: Characterization of arabinoxylans in wheat varieties and their breeding lines, Journal of Cereal Science (2019)
2020 - X. PhD conference of Nutrition Science Research - Award: I. place
2018 - National XXII: "MÉTE" Scientific Student's Association's Conference - Award: II. place
-MTtT XLV. Wandering meeting 20-22 October 2022 Szeged oral presentation (RYE AND OAT VARIETIES Raw material and characterization of dietary fiber and short-chain carbohydrate (including FODMAP) composition of experimental bakery products)
-7th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting April 6-8, 2022. Thessaloniki oral presentation (New possibilities for the food use of oats and rye)
Departmental Doctoral Conference 31.01.2022. online oral presentation (Variability in the composition of fiber and small molecular carbohydrates in cereals)
-X. PhD conference of Nutrition Science Research (Hungary) (online) 11/05/2020 oral presentation (Method development for measuring FODMAP components, analysis of fractions of rye and oat varieties)
Fiber and low molecular weight carbohydrate composition in new industrial milling fractions of rye varieties – XXI EuroFoodChem, On-line Conference, 22-24 November 2021. poster presentation
FODMAP and arabinoxylan composition in new industrial milling fractions of rye varieties – 3rd George Olah Conference, 9/15/2021 poster presentation
Variability and cluster analysis of arabinoxylan properties in crossed wheat lines – 2nd George Olah Conference (online) 9/28/2020 poster presentation