I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Levente Rácz


H-1111, Budapest, Egry J. str. 18.





Levente Rácz, Bálint Németh
Dynamic Line Rating—An Effective Method to Increase the Safety of Power Lines
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 11 : 2 Paper: 492 , 15 p. (2021)

Levente Rácz, Dávid Szabó, Gábor Göcsei, Bálint Németh
Distributed Thermal Monitoring of High-Voltage Power Lines
SENSORS 23 : 5 Paper: 2400 (2023)

Levente Rácz, Dávid Szabó, Gábor Göcsei
Investigation of Electric and Magnetic Field in the Application of Dynamic Line Rating
LECTURE NOTES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 598 pp. 145-153. , 9 p.m. (2020)

Levente Rácz, Bálint Németh, Gábor Göcsei
A risk-based, distributed sensor installation concept for high voltage grid monitoring
ENERGY REPORTS 8 pp. 266-274. , 9 p.m. (2022)

Levente Rácz, Bálint Németh, Gábor Göcsei, Dimitar Zarchev, Valeri Mladenov
Performance Analysis of a Dynamic Line Rating System Based on Project Experiences
ENERGIES 15 : 3 Paper: 1003 , 11 p. (2022)

Levente Rácz, Bálint Németh
Investigation of dynamic electricity line rating based on neural networks
ENERGY (VILNIUS) 64 : 2 pp. 74-83. , 10 p.m. (2018)


New National Excellence Program, 2017-2019 (2x)
ISH - Young Scientist Award, 2019
CPESE Conference - Best Student Paper Award, 2021
IEEE HS Student Paper Contest - Silver (2019) and Bronze (2022) Awards


2017-2018: EU FP7 project: 'BEST PATHS'
Research Engineer of Demo 4
Dynamic line rating, Live Line Maintenance research and development 

2017-2022: EU H2020 project: 'FLEXITRANSTORE'
Research Engineer of WP7
Increase resilience of the cross-border lines with sensors for de-icing solutions

2019-2023: EU H2020 project: 'FARCROSS'
Project Manager & Research Engineer of WP5
Complex grid management technology for handling cross-border transmission line capacity-related issues

2024-: EU H2020 project: 'TwinEU'
Project Manager & Research Engineer of WP6.8
Artificial neural network-based line monitoring sensor with digital twinning


Several IEEE and CIGRE organized international conferences and symposiums.
ISH 2019, ICOLIM 2022, IWAIS 2019 & 2022

Other activities

ASTM WK70226 - Expert
CIGRE B2.93 - Secretary
CIGRE B2.86 - Task Force Leader
CIGRE B2.77 - Regular member
CIGRE B2.95 - Regular member
IEEE - member
Hungarian Electrotechnical Association - member
Hungarian Academy of sciences - Public body member