1. Miskolczi, M., Földes, D., Munkácsy, A., Jászberényi, M. 2021. Urban mobility scenarios until the 2030s. Sustainable Cities and Society, 72, pp. 103029. 2. Silva, S.D., Földes D., Csiszár, Cs. 2021. Autonomous Vehicle Use and Urban Space Transformation: A Scenario Building and Analysing Method. Sustainability, 13(6), pp. 3008. 3. Földes, D., Csiszár, Cs., Tettamanti, T. 2021. Automation Levels of Mobility Services. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A – Systems, 147(5)., pp. 04021021. 4. Csiszár, Cs., Csonka, B., Földes, D., Wirth, E., Lovas, T. 2020. Location optimisation method for fast-charging stations along national roads. Journal of Transport Geography, 88. 5. Csiszár, Cs., Csonka, B., Földes, D., Wirth, E., Lovas, T. 2019. Urban public charging station locating method for electric vehicles based on land use approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 74, pp. 173-180.
- Best Student Paper Award: Dávid Földes, Csaba Csiszár: Revealing correspondences between bikers’
mobility and information management attributes; 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced
Logistics and Transport, 1-3 June 2016. Krakow, Poland
- ITS Hungary Excellence Award, ITS Hungary Association – category: best MSc thesis: Developing
information services for bikers. 2016
- Best Thesis Award, Hungarian Scientific Association for Transport (KTE) – II. place, MSc thesis:
Developing information services for bikers, 2017
- Literary Award, Hungarian Scientific Association for Transport (KTE), 2020
- European Friedrich-List Award 2020, category Ph.D. dissertation: Development of Innovative Transport
Systems and Mobility Services; 2020., European Platform of Transport Sciences (EPTS)
- Pro Progressio Foundation, TDK Lecturer Scholarship, 2020
- UNI BME Startup Program, “Bolley – The otimised e-bus network” startup, I. place, investment
proposition (Dr. Bálint Csonka, Dr. Csaba Csiszár, Havas Márton), 2020
1. 'Deployment and Assessment of Predictive modelling, environmentally sustainable and emerging digital technologies and tools for improving the resilience of IWW against Climate change and other extremes – the Ploto1 Approach.' 2022-2026 (42 months). Researcher. Europen Union. Horizon Europe CL5-2021-D6-01-09 Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable transport infrastructure, focus on inland waterways. 2. 'Methods to Optimize the Energy Use of Electric Road Vehicles.' 2022-2023 (24 months). Researcher. ITM Ministry of Innovation and Technology. 2019-2.1.11-TÉT Bilateral Science and Technological collaboration between China and Hungary. 3. 'Electric travelling: Platform to support the implementation of electromobility in Smart Cities based on ICT applications'. 2018-2020. Researcher. European Union Horizont 2020. 4. 'Future of roads - career choice and autonomous vehicles' 2018-2020. Researcher lecturer. Ministry of Human Resources. EFOP-3.4.4-16-2017-00030. 5. 'Charging infrastructure deployment concept - containing national database and uniform digital map. study' 2016. Researcher. cCntract, e-Mobi Kft.
1. 6th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure. 20-21 MAy 2021. Zagreb, Croatia, presenter (Földes, D., Csiszár, Cs.: Alteration in modal share due to autonomous vehicle-based mobility services. DOI: 10.5592/CO/CETRA.2020.1298) 2. CMDTUR 2018, 8th International Scientific Conference. 4-5 OCtober, 2018. Zilina, Slovakia, presenter (Földes, D., Csiszár, Cs., Zarkashev, A.: User expectations towards mobility services based on autonomous vehicle) 3. Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP). 24-25 May 2018. Prague, Czech Republic, presenter (Földes, D., Csiszár, Cs.: Framework for Planning the Mobility Service based on Autonomous Vehicles. DOI: 10.1109/SCSP.2018.8402651) 4. 10th International Scientific Conference Transbaltica 2017: Transportation Science and Technology, 4-5 May 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania, presenter (Szigeti, Sz., Csiszár, Cs., Földes, D.: Information Management of Demand-Responsive Mobility Service Based on Autonomous Vehicles. Procedia Engineering, 187, pp. 483-491. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.4044) 5. 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom). 19-21 October 2015, Győr, Hungary, presenter (Csiszár, Cs., Földes, D.: Advanced Information Services for Cognitive Behaviour of Travellers. DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom.2015.7390578)
Other activities
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), Committee on Transport Engineering, member of public body, 2019; Hungarian Scientific Association for Transport (KTE), Committee on Urban Transport, member, 2017-