Department established 75 years ago as Department of Aircraft, works as leader in country and internationally recognised partner on teaching and researching the aeronautical sciences including the design, investigating the aerodynamics, study the flight performance, flight dynamics and control, operation (flight operation, maintenance and repair), the working group strongly cooperates with on the working groups of department and takes part in many different national and international (EU supported9 projects.
The working group successfully develops the new, disruptive technologies, identification, evaluation and applicability of new technologies, estimation of technology life, electric and hybrid- electric aircraft, studying the flight performance of the hybrid air vehicles, innovation operation concepts, safety and security analysis, impact estimation.
Strong competences of the working group are the model formation, development of the mathematical models, simulation, especially implementation of the numerical methods, based on systems theory and system engineering approaches and using the life cycle impact assessment in design, and flight testing.
- Advisors in development of the Corvus Racer 540 acrobatic aircraft (taken part in Red Bull Air Race),
- Development of the radically new technologies and solutions, evaluation of their applicability (Gabriel, Esposa, IDEA-E projects)
- Conceptionally design of the hybrid aircraft evaluation of the design processes (IDEA-E project)
- Evaluation of the new technologies, demand forecast (taking part in Clean Sky 2: FORSAT, FORROT, FORJET and SESAR Innovate projects)
- Impact analysis based onm the life cycle assessment (IDEA-E project)
Rohacs, D., & Rohacs, J. (2016). Magnetic levitation assisted aircraft take-off and landing (feasibility study–GABRIEL concept). Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 85, 33–50.
Rohacs, J., Kale, U., & Rohacs, D. (2022). Radically new solutions for reducing the energy use by future aircraft and their operations. Energy, 239(122420), 14.
Rohacs, J., & Rohacs, D. (2020). Energy coefficients for comparison of aircraft supported by different propulsion systems. Energy, 191, 116391.
Rohács, J., & Rohács, D. (2020). Total impact evaluation of transportation systems. Transport, 35(2), 193–202.
Sziroczak, D., Jankovics, I., Gal, I., & Rohacs, D. (2020). Conceptual design of small aircraft with hybrid-electric propulsion systems. Energy, 204, 117937.
Aircaft Engineering and Aerospace Technologies,
Progress in Aerospace Sciences,
Journal of Sustainable Aviation
numerical simulation laboratorium
software for aircraft design
flight simulator
elements for flight test and certification
2011- 2016 SESAR project: INNOVATE - INNOvation through Validation for Air Transportation in Europe, SESAR, and Integration of UAV into the SESAR - Support 276 000 EUR
2011- 2016 ESPOSA - Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft EU FP7 project support 24 999 800 EUR
2016- 2020 IDEA-E - Investigation and development of the disruptive technologies for e-mobility and their integration into the engineering education, 3,6 MEAUR
2017 – 2018 Clean Sky 2: FORJET, FORROT, FORSAT Hungarian participation: 97 kEUR
Industry relations
Hungarian SMEs and companies working in field of aeronautics and cooperation with technology transfer centers (DLR, NLR, ONERA, CIRA), taking part in works of international organisations as member of special groups, councils, etc. (IFAR, ICAS, ACARE)A, CIRA),
series of Hungarian Aeronautical Sciences Conferences (evry second year)
ICAS Congress (International Council of Aeronautical Scineces) coincil member program committee member,
series of ISSA - International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation
Other activities
IFAR - International Forum for Aviastion Research
ICAS - International Council of Aeronautical Sciences
working groups of ACARE,
memberships in Hungarian Engineering and Scientific Associations and working groups